Friday, October 29, 2010

The new paint job!

Ok, it looks really dark in these pictures, it is deep, but it's just my weenie camera phone that is making it look this dramatic.  Still I couldn't help posting some quick pictures.  There will be more to come in which you can make out more details, I promise!

Oh, and those are the finished (well 95%) curtains that you saw in the previous post as random pieces of purple velvet that Violet found so comfy.  I actually set out to make something and accomplished it!  These curtains and the baby (who I'm pretty sure I don't have a choice about finishing) - two things to check off the list!  ; )

Dita has already found the incredibly comfortable glider that Phoebe gave us. 

1 comment:

phoebe said...

it looks great!! I can't wait to see more pics.

BTW, otto got his boots and he LOVES them!! thanks a million.