Thursday, September 23, 2010

Pictures Soon...

There's lots of news in the new house.  Including that our beautiful pink bathroom was in peril for a few hours yesterday, or we thought it was at least.  Chris went down into the basement yesterday morning and found that there was water dripping down the waste water stack pipe.  It's old, and not a huge surprise that it will crack one of these days, so that's what we assumed.  The fact that it was exact coincidence with the drywall we're putting in just seemed like another example of Murphy's Law, or a smack down from the universe.  After a lot of hand wringing about the repair costs I called some plumbers and at around noon had the first one in for an estimate.  He took one look and said, well it looks like there's water leaking ONTO the stack, not out of it.  Maybe there's a problem with the water line.  Sure enough we went upstairs and had the drywall guy take off the panel on that wall and as soon as he unscrewed one the center screw water started gushing out of the wall.  They had punctured the water line three times.  THANK GOODNESS.  This was a quick, relatively inexpensive repair as opposed to a huge, time intensive, expensive repair that could have meant we would have to demo the beloved bathroom tile floor.  PHEW! 
We are knocking on wood that we are saved for now... although the water pressure is wonky since yesterday... hopefully the plumber will be able to fix that in a jiffy.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Violet Relaxes...

Just before the destruction and construction started.  Poor thing is now pretty confused about all the dust and weird people in the house... It'll all be beautiful again soon though!!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Winds of Change

Chris and Scott opened the windows to let the winds blow through...