Friday, July 23, 2010

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Franklin Fountain!!

Oh yes, that is my giant root beer float.  Absolutely the best one I've ever had!!! With awesome probably homemade root beer and handmade chocolate chip ice cream!!!

The fantabulous intern Lamar with another view of my float and her yummy sorbet (raspberry?)
It was SOO HOT that day, but FF certainly made it seem bearable.  After this we went to the Fireman's Hall Museum to poke around for clues about our awesome gargoyles.  Not too much luck, but it was nice to visit one of the city's fun little cultural sites I had never been to before.

Rui and Ron Visit

My cousin Ron and his wife Rui visited this past Saturday, it was great to meet her.  It was also their 1.5 year anniversary - Congrats!  They haven't had the easiest circumstances, as Rui's papers were not available for her to move here from China until this Spring.  They finally get to live in the same place (continent!) and we're really happy for them.  We got to show them our new house and around the Museum.  A good time was had by all.