Friday, September 18, 2009

Labor Day

We spent Labor Day in Langhorne visiting with Mom and Dad to hear about their trip to Italy.
Mom made a delicious dinner and we had a nice relaxing day.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Nancy's Shower at Mugshots

Nancy's Briday Shower at Mugshots was a big success I think! Elizabeth was a great team mate, I would say we worked very well together. She made the beautiful favors and made sure the shower activities flowed nicely, in addition to everything else she did! Go team! Nancy seemed to have fun and I think everyone else enjoyed themselves as well. Becky got the most points on the Nancy Quiz. The kids colored and played happily among us, and the food was great. The pumpkin spice mini cupcakes were my favorite!!
It was a beautiful and memorable day in Philadelphia.