We had a great time at Memorial Hall last week. Phoebe said it was the best kid's museum they'd been to so far (or at least the biggest). No surprise, Otto went mostly for the car related activities as you can see below. We did get to ride the carousel also, I'm loading the video and it should be up soon. I honestly don't know how any kid leaves that place willingly. As usual Otto's good nature won out and we went on to see Papa's tools at the "other" museum.

Putting air in the tires with Mom.

Riding the wild bunny.

Getting the Scion ready for a trip.

Taking a ride in the race car after...

...changing the tires.

Car wash!

On the moped with Dad.

I know Otto is smart, but it was still cool to see how fast he figured out how to get up on the moped and pretend he was driving!

It's fuzzy, but at least the whole family is pictured!
Otto is "through the looking glass."