Sunday, September 14, 2008

Misplaced Historic Preservation

We visited Carpenter's Hall this weekend and I was mortified to see the caption for an aerial photo in one of the display cases. The image is from 1953, it shows Carpenter's Hall as well as an amazing Frank Furness building (a bank I think). The caption proudly states this is an image of the area just before Carpenter's Hall Park was created. Read: Look at all the buildings we knocked down so tourists could walk around and pretend to be in Colonial times! I thought we were at a point where we understood that the 20th Century drive to colonialize and de-victorianize the city was a mistake and should at least be something to feel sheepish about! Here is the park system still celebrating those destructive efforts!

Ok, I know I've said this is just a picture blog and not a place where I would spout opinions, but I could not help myself here.

Cousin Visit

Cristina and Seth came to visit this weekend. We are so happy they made the trip, we had a wonderful time. They even wanted to visit the historic sites with us! Fellow nerds are perfect house guests. So glad they got to know Chris and I got to know Seth better. Looking forward to more fun together.

More kitten pictures!

We really do love our kittens, they're the cutest, don't you agree?

Visit to the City

We went up to the Met to examine their cabinet, it's truly an amazing piece of furniture. Now if we can just figure out what it was made for!

Koons on the Roof, looks like a big Perugina egg. Mmmm... chocolate...

Edward met us at Cipriani in Grand Central for a drink. It was so nice to hang out with him and be in one of our favorite places in the world!

Friday, September 12, 2008


Wednesday night we managed to drag ourselves over to the World Cafe Live to see Juliana Hatfield. We had a really nice time, she rocks! Sadly I forgot the camera, but soon I'll have a fancy cell phone camera so I'll always have it with me.